Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2nd Mar 2010 Burp...

2nd Mar 2010 Bottle feed by Daddy

This is the first time I'm drinking from the bottle. I've got no problems at all. I'm always hungry...=)

27th Feb 2010 New sleeping pose

24th Feb 2010 Wayang

I'm wearing the pyjamas that Auntie Lupe bought. It's for 3 month old baby but who cares... =)

23rd Feb 2010 Practicing Neck Muscle

Mummy wants me to practice my neck muscle every evening. I think she just wants to make me tired and go to sleep.

23rd Feb 2010 My new toy

Auntie Vivien, mummy's ex colleague gave this to me. I love it!

21st Feb 2010 Very Very Tired...

I'm really really tired after a long day.

21st Feb 2010 1st Month Celebration - Xi Nu Ai Le

It's my 1 month celebration. Mummy bought this top for me. Lots of Mummy and Daddy's friends and relative came that day. I'm so busy.

18th Feb 2010 Daddy's favourite top

Mummy brought me to auntie Serene's place at Bishan. Then daddy drove us back. Once we reach home, daddy took photos of me coz he like my top. I want to bathe but daddy keeps on taking photos. I got angry...=(

First 30 days...

30 different faces... I'm still changing...