Tuesday, May 25, 2010

15th May 10 I've got Sexy Legs

Yo! Yo! Whatsup! Mummy dressed me up today...=) We're going to uncle JK's house warming...=) Mummy says I look sooooooo CUTE!!! And once again she can't stop kissing me...

08th May 10 Look Mummy I can "SIT"

06th May 10 Play with Me or I'll play with my Tongue

05th May 10 Mummy Playing with Me before Bed time

Monday, May 24, 2010

05th May 10 I'm Digging My Nose

It looks like I'm digging my nose... Nah... I'm just pretending. Daddy... why aren't you saving me...=( Mummy is torturing me...

02nd May 10 Mummy Can't Stop Hugging me

Daddy!!! Please save me!!!

02nd May 10 Say Cheese...=)

Friday, May 21, 2010

02nd May 10 Mood Swing...

I change change my mood within a second. Sad-Laughing-Bored.

02nd May 10 Talking to Daddy

Hey Daddy... Can I play with your camera?

26th Apr 10 Self Entertain

I asked mummy to carry me but she refused... so I end up staring at myself. Then I get bored... Finger sucking is better.

11th Apr 10 Rocking Chair

Mummy and Daddy is tired of rocking me to sleep. They tried to rock me with this chair... Nah... I REJECT!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

03rd Apr 10 Play Time !!!

02nd Apr 10 Facial Massage

Mummy tries to give me a massage every night... Looks like I'm loving it...