Monday, February 28, 2011

20Feb2011 - Ben & Jerry : )

I love Ben & Jerry...hehehe

i want some more...

Hee hee...

19Feb2011 - Guess which cap the ball is under

Daddy is always playing with his camera stuff...

Not this one...

Not this one either...

Not here...

Not this...

Daddy... All the caps are empty...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

13Feb2011 - Post CNY Granny's house visit

We visited Granny after CNY, she just came back from vocation in Taiwan...

Mummy, Granny is on the phone...

For me ?

What's this ?

Never mind... i just take...hehe

Granny feeding me apple...hehe

I'm hungry!!!

Granny bought a traditional wooden shoe for me...

I want to try them on...

Hmmm...feels wooden...

Lets GO!!!!

Time to keep the shoe...

Having fun with mummy...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

06Feb2011 - Books...Credit Cards and a Mac !!!

I love to read... hahaha

Read this!!!

Now read this!!!

And this!!!

Now i want this book...

Next i want this...

Daddy 1 more...

I got Credit Cards... hehehe

Look at all the receipts mummy have...must have bought a lot of things...

Mummy you better don't let daddy see this...

Daddy, i edit the photos for you...

Daddy you should change your mouse...

Lets read again... hehehe