Tuesday, February 15, 2011

16Jan2011 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!

It'a my 1 year old birthday... Yeah.... Mummy and Daddy gave me a birthday party bash... So many people came and celebrate my birthday...

Thanks Mummy and Daddy : )

Look at all the food yummy....

Lixiang jie jie and Mummy... Lixiang jie jie came to help and decorate my party... hee hee

Daddy and Mummy getting ready for the party...

Lixiang jie jie posing... hehe

2nd Uncle making balloons for everybody...

Faith jie jie looking at 2nd Uncle make balloons...

Why so slow ??

Hmm... Faith is playing with the horn...

Why so slow...

Faith jie jie got her balloons... So nice... : )


Big... hee hee

Jed is sleeping... again.. hehehe


Let me put blanket for you...

Poke your face check if you are really sleeping... hehehe...

Ok... you are really sleeping...

Give your 1 big balloon...hee hee

Hi Gloria...

Big Head...hee hee









Big mouth... Hummm.... hee hee...


E.T. hee hee


Faith jie jie's balloon....


Uncle Jiexiong's daughter...

My Birthday Cake !!!!

Mummy like my cake... : )

Faith looking at my cake.. Think she likes it too : )

Hi Lixiang jie jie...

Hi Jed... You are awake... heehee...

Lixiang jie jie taking video

Daddy and Mummy!!!

So happy together.... hehe

My Birthday Hat...

Sing birthday song... : )

Look at the camera...

Blow candle...

Liping and Jed...

Rachel and Jordan

Shiming and Eloise

Yan Hong, Serene, Meili, Jaime, Shiming, Eloise, Sofia and Shuxhun...

Mini me...

Evarn, Evarn's wife, Louis, Seline, cheryl, Shi Lei, Gary...

James, Faith Ivy and Gloria...

Grandma, Rachel and Jordan...

Louis and family

Daddy's cousin and family...

2nd Uncle Heng, Aunt, Grandma and Jed...

Liping and family

Aunt Ngoh, Grandma (Mummy) and Grandma (Daddy)

Grandma (Mummy), Grandma (Daddy) and Daddy...

Grandma (Daddy) and me...

2nd uncle having fun....

Mummy so happy.. : )

Mummy cutting cake for everybody...

ok time to eat cake... Yum Yum...

Ok...Take Ang Bao...hehehe

Only 2 ??

Hey... my hat dropping...

Help me put my hat....

Hee hee.... My party hat...

Time to unwrap my present...

That's all my Ang Bao...hehe

Mummy don't take my Ang Bao...

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